Our magnificent nature!
The nature is the most important thing in peoples life! …and especially the water!!
One photo tells more than a thousand words…
Anyway I would like to tell You a few things that I find important to express through my photos.
Firstly, I want to show how beautiful, meditative, therapeutic, and healing our nature is!
It is especially today when depression and burn out symptoms are becoming the biggest national diseases in the western world.
The nature is the best therapist we have – we only need to go and look at its beauty, listen to the silence, experience its power and harmony, and through that we can find peace in ourselves.
The nature is always real, true and honest… and present!
And if we are not always able to go out into the nature, then a nature-picture will convey these same sensations. I have received a lot of positive feedback about my photos and about their relaxing and calming effect, some have even said that their soul has started a new life through my photos!
Secondly, I want to stop people with my photos and make them think about the importance of nature in our lives!
I am worried about the state of our nature and especially about the well being of the Baltic Sea, Archipelago and Gulf of Finland, as well as the overall quality of the water. Pure water is very important for the nature and all the life on Earth.
The nature is our home, and the water is the elixir of life!
In fact we have only two choices from now on, either we continue the same way as we have done so far, then Mother Earth will probably be damaged, or we have to learn very quickly to live ecologically in co-operation with the nature.
In conclusion I would like to say that I have often been asked why I do not photograph contaminated nature, but I think myself that the thing one focuses on will increase… I want to focus my work on beauty and positive things.
All my photos are “organic”, they are all taken on film. I do not manipulate them and I do not use any colour filters, only the colours and the lights of the nature.